Normal eating habits for toddlers???
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Normal eating habits for toddlers???
By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - 06:43 pm: | Okay..... let me try typing this AGAIN since I was almost done and Kaitlyn pushed a button to make it all disappear!!! Since birth, Kaitlyn has always been in the 90% range for her height and the 50% range for her weight. As expected, since its how the women in both mine and DHs family are built. She is now 30 inches and 21 lbs. This is about what the dr. predicted she would be now when we saw him at her 9 month appt. We went to our WIC appt and the nutritionist freaked out on me saying she was in the 18% range for her weight. I told her we just saw the dr. yesterday and if there were any concerns i'm sure the dr. would have addressed them then. She gave me a list/ eating guide for what DD should be eating now. I've tried following it but I feel like i'm shoving food into an already full tummy. Heres an example: Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg (I use cheese too) 1/2 slice toast 1/2 cup milk Snack: 1/4 apple, peeled and sliced 3/4 oz. small cheese pieces water Lunch: P.B. sandwich (1 bread slice, 1 tbsp. p.b.) 2 tbsp. peas 1/2 cup milk Snack: 1/2 cup cereal (Cheerios, Life, Kix etc...) 1/2 cup juice Dinner: 2 tbsp. baked chicken 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes 2 tbsp. broccoli 2 tbsp. apple sauce water Snack: 2 graham cracker squares 1/2 cup milk Doe that seem like a lot??? With Kaitlyn if I follow that I can get breakfast and a snack in, lunch and dinner and maybe a before-bed snack. At the WIC rate i'd be sitting at home all day either feeding her or putting her down for a nap. So out of curiosity, what do you feed your litle ones in an average day?? (BTW, this appt. was a few weeks ago and its eating at my mind and DH says im annoying him )
By Emily7 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - 07:12 pm: | Kids eat as much as they want. If you force them its just going to cause them to have eating problems later. My son is 35 inches tall & 25 pounds, at a year he just barely made 19 pounds. My dd is over 17 pounds & is 26 inches at 5 months. You know your dd, you know when she is hungry, don't let some one make you second guess yourself! From all I have read you seem like a very good Mom. In her pictures she is not only beautiful, but looks happy & healthy!
By Debbie on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - 07:29 pm: | My oldest ds is tall and skinny. He was always 100% for height and 40-50% weight. He is 6 and only ways 43 lbs. My youngest, who is almost 4, weighs more then him(45 lbs). He is built like my husbands side of the family. My oldest eats a lot some days and some days he barely eats anything. My pediatrician said that they look more at if they are growing at a steady rate then at how much they weigh. As long as she is eating good and healthy, then I wouldn't worry about it.
If your Dr. wasn't concerned I wouldn't let this bother you. Seems I remember another Mom being worried about what WIC told her regarding feeding her child. Toddlers are known for not eating much! LOL! Their growth and eating slows down quite a bit once they reach toddlerhood. BTW, most peds. recommend waiting on peanut butter until a child is at least 3. Obviously WIC isn't aware of this. Continue what you are doing. Offer healthy foods and she will eat when she's hungry.
By Tink on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - 08:11 pm: | I second everything that has already been said. My kids never ate as much as they wanted them to at the WIC office. Don't stress. If the Dr. doesn't see a problem and you didn't have any concerns before they were planted there, she is fine. The Dr. will be more concerned if her percentile suddenly dropped and she was acting differently or you had some concerns. My oldest dd's weight percentile dropped from 45 to 15 and I freaked out but the Dr. made sure I was feeding her healthy items and checked on her again a month later. She has stayed at 15% since then. She is in the 80th % for her height and my dh is 6'6" and 190 so she comes by it naturally. If you still have concerns this is something that her Ped. could talk to you over the phone about. Give her a call.
By Emdee on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - 09:48 pm: | My dd is almost a month older than yours (4-29-03) and she weighed less than 18 pounds at her one year visit--probably not much more than that now. She has had problems with her weight--her ped tested for all sorts of things only to tell me that she will eat when she wants to and not to force her. She goes 3-4 days without eating anything and then eats great for a week or so. So from the experience of my worrying, I wouldn't worry too much. Keep feeding her healthy foods and let her choose when she is hungry. From experience, I know you can't force a baby to eat. Believe me, I have tried!!
By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - 10:29 pm: | Thanks girls, I feel much better. Up until that woman told me she was concerned with her weight I was worrying about her eating habits when in reality I think she eats great. Trina, I know about the P.B. thing and I even questioned the WIC lady who BTW also told me all types of fishes and stuff were good for here (Hmm.... Mercury!!!) but I assured her I wouldn't give it to DD. So we get beans, peas or lentils instead of P.B. Thanks for the reminder though!
I had to giggle when I read that list of food. Timmy is twice as old as Kaitlyn and he doesn't eat that much. Sheesh..............she'll eat when she is hungry and trust me if she isn't already, she'll let you know.
By Dmom on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 10:05 am: | I'm on a diet. That list looks like what I should eat in one day!!
By Amecmom on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 10:07 am: | Most toddlers live on air and apple juice - yours is doing just fine. Ame
By Rayanne on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 11:40 am: | I agree with Emily, you know your daughter best. When she is hungry, she will eat. Don't force her to eat. Rylee just went to the doctors today for her 6 month check up and she weighs 17 ponds and 1 ounce which puts her at the 75% and in length she is 26 3/4 inches which put her at the 90%. Her doctor says that she is perfect. For breakfast I give her oatmeal mixed with 1tbs. of Apple Sauce and some formula. and then I give her a bottle. For lunch she gets one jar of stage 2 baby food and then about an hour to two hours later she gets another bottle. For mid day she gets a bottle. For dinner (7 or 8pm) she gets rice cereal mixed with 1tbs. of applesauce and some formula and then a bottle. Sometimes she gets restless so about 3 hours after dinner she will get another bottle if she is not asleep.
Gosh I am confused guys. Nathaniel weighs about 29lbs. and in 32 inches long. he is almost 18 months. Can anyone tell me where his weight and height measure up. Also he eats about one thing of rice cereal w/ bananas for breakfast, try to feed him lunch and never eats, then for dinner I will be happy to get about 4 bites of mac-n-cheese and 1 chicken nugget. He practically drinks his food all day with apple juice and soy milk. Does this sound bothersome.
Also I just make sure he takes his vitamins and gets enough iron in his cereals. That is all I look at really!!!
I would maybe not offer him so much liquid and see if his appetite picks up.
By Boxzgrl on Saturday, June 5, 2004 - 12:21 pm: | I've heard that juice can make them feel full so maybe give milk instead of juice and see if his appetite picks up. But I guess overall from what I get in this post is that if the childs weight/height are good and of no concern to the doctor then I wouldnt stress over it.