FCAT....VCAT....MCAT... How did your child/children do???
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004:
FCAT....VCAT....MCAT... How did your child/children do???
We got the results about our 3rd grader...she passed so she'll be a 4th grader in Aug. We really weren't worried about her...she gets all A's. Her older DSS is another story..shes in 10th grade and has to pass it before she can get a diploma by 2006...We are HOPING she passes it on the first try...If NOT she'll have 2 more trys before she graduates in 2006. How did your child/children do????
My DD is in her freshman year of college - she had a hard time passing the high schoool proficiency exam - she was an A-B student, but when it comes down to testing, couldn't do it. I am totally against all those standardized tests - it's not fair to judge a child only by a test grade. Most of the time, they are actually judging the school to see how well the "grade" does. (etc., 4th, 8th, 11th, etc.)