Just a funny
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Tonight Natalie is playing on the floor and as she heads off to the bathroom announces, "Mom, I'm going to the lavatory." She keeps going and I stand there stunned wondering where in the world my kid learned this word! When she comes out I say, "Where in the world did you learn such a BIG word?" Apparently she heard it on "Little Bill", so now she's using it EVERY time she goes to the bathroom.
I wouldn't have expected that, either!
Wow that is a big word, she pronounced it correctly?? It is funny the things they come up with, isn't it? Enjoy this time, it goes by quickly.
She pronounced it perfectly. She has excellent articulation for her age, which makes it even more cute. It's just so funny to hear her say it now. She's really into "checking" on words at the moment, asking if they're okay to say. Her new ones are using 'awful','understand', and 'final' correctly. She still doesn't use 'awful' the right way, but tries to.
It amazes me how smart kids are and what they pick up! LOL
Tee hee!!!! What a riot! Connor's favorite phrase is (from the Berensteins Bears "Too much TV" book) "You can't be serious!" (Added with a smile.) He just learned the word "slops!" from the Charlotte's Web movie and likes to yell it when dinner is ready!! Ha ha ha!!! Cracks me up!
Heidi, I saw a little boy,today at McDonald's, who is almost 3 (birthday, this coming Saturday), and reminded me of Connor. He had these big curious eyes! I thought of you and Connor, anyway. His name was Mason!
Aww, Dawn...he *does* have the big curious eyes. He has a buddy that looks almost like him at school too. The kids get the two mixed up all the time and it doesn't help that they are attached at the hip. They are so cute together. Deanna, the word "awful" would crack me up too!! It's so cute the way they pick up things. At his school, he's picked up saying "Oh, man!" and kicking his foot on the ground when mommy wants him to do something. Drives me nuts...and so it begins...teaching him "yes ma'am" is so much harder when he's at school 3 hours a day!
Heidi - Natalie also says, "Oh man!", but she picked it up from us. Also 'What in the WORLD?!" This morning (and I'm sure this is from Disney Princess movies) after I told her twice that we would have to play hide & seek later she clutched her heart, softened her face and said, "But Mom, it's my heart's desire to play hide & seek." I could have died laughing.
We walked into The Home Depot this past weekend and I had to do a double take, i thought I saw little Conner. LOL But after second glance, I realized the kid was probably a bit older than Conner. He did look a lot like him. It's so cute what these kids say. Joey got hit in the head with a block (his little cousin threw it) i told him i would get him some ice, but then I got distracted and forgot to get it. All of a sudden he goes "get me some ice, for the love of God!" Sort of jokingly serious. Now I'm not proud of it, but i do say that phrase sometimes. It's from the movie Tommy Boy. I could not help but laugh at him saying that. But of course I don't encourage it.
These little sayings are just too sweet. When DD will little, she commented "what's all this hullubalu about up ahead?" There were lots of people standing next to the road with flags. I have no clue what it was about, but "hullubalu?" I have no clue how to spell that. I had no clue where she had heard that. It's not a word I would commonly use and one I knew I had never said near her.
I wish I had some funny sayings I could remember. The only one I can think of, was when Sarah was between 1 and 2, or early 2, and dh passed gas and she said, "FART!" and giggled. We laughed, too.
Oh my goodness, you guys are cracking me up! Deanna, I can *totally* see Nat saying that while batting her eyelashes!! LOL Connor would just say "But I want to play!!!!" He does that with his Battleship and Candyland games...he loves to play them and won't let up sometimes!
Here you go: hullabaloo also hullaballoo n., pl. -loos also -loos. Great noise or excitement; uproar. See synonyms at noise. It's always been part of my vocabulary - I suppose I heard it from my mother. I think it's a great word, perfect for many situations involving children.