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Does your dh back you up w/ the kids?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Does your dh back you up w/ the kids?
By Mommyduncan on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 11:42 pm:

I get so frustrated w/ my dh because he never supports me when I make a decision with the kids. Like tonight, I had a night class to go to and I left my ds writing spelling words. I told him and my dh that he had to write all of them before he could go outside to play or watch TV (this is the way it has been w/ both kids, so it's not a new concept). Anyway, I get home from class, he has not written his words and he is in front of the television. I was furious, not only w/ my son, but more so w/ dh. He is the parent, it is his responsibility to make sure that the kids do their home work.

I have always tried to support him on any parenting decisions that he makes, even if I don't agree with it, I think if we stand united in front of the kids it's better. Now, after the kids go to bed, I may tell him whether I disagree or not, but we don't discuss it front of the kiddos.

Why do men do this???? Or is it just my dh???

By Tink on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 12:17 am:

It's not just yours! Does he do that stupid thing and say "Oh yeah, you need to get that finished" as soon as you say something to your child so you have to start out looking like the bad guy...again? OK you backed me up but I had to be the heavy! Yeah, I feel your pain.:o(

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 06:56 am:

DH is usually very good in that department, however we have had a couple similar incidents. Very aggravating, isn't it?! Makes ME look like the mean one. LOL!

By Ladypeacek on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 07:04 am:

Well i am definitely the mean one, lol!! My dh does back me up but never takes the first step!

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 11:42 am:

Ditto Ladypeacek :) My DH always backs me up, but it's always me that takes the first step LOL

By Texannie on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 12:10 pm:

We made an agreement when our first child was around 2 that we would always back each other up in front of the kids. If we disagreed with what the other was doing we would address that in private. It is a hard and fast rule with us. It's really important now that we have a teenager and preteen to show a united front. Now, we do have things that push each other's buttons differently. The kids can do something and I will just blow up and he will look at me like "what's the big deal?" and vice versa.

By Coopaveryben on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 02:44 pm:

My DH backs me up usually, he's scared of me if he doesn't..haha. If I disagree with something he is doing and I want it to stop ASAP I will call him into a different room and talk it over. But the kids don't notice and can't hear.

By Fionadeassis on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 11:34 pm:

It's the opposite for us.....We totally disagree when it comes to parenting and rules about things...

Me-my motto is...."don't sweat the small stuff"..if it's not dangerous,discourteous,or damaging....I pretty much let things go...

Dh-never acts...he REACTS and loses his temper over things that I personally don't think are a big deal.....but the next day, if he is in a good mood...then all of a sudden the thing ds did that was bad before can be ok or even cute....

We have a VERY BAD habit of disagreeing with eachother in front of ds.We don't get much 'alone time' so we don't often discuss things before they come's always in the moment...very bad I think....


By Sunny on Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 01:44 pm:

I guess I'm lucky in that my DH backs me up all the time. I am with the kids 95% of the time. I do most of the disciplining (sp?) and care and it's often left up to me. I'm also softer on them than he is, so if I make up the rule or punishment, they know if they don't follow it, Dad will step in and either really enforce it or change it to something harsher. Now sometimes, Dad will come up with something I think is too harsh and I'll tell him after the fact. He'll go to the kids and tell them he's talked to me and we've come up with something a little different.

By Peggy13 on Friday, April 9, 2004 - 07:57 pm:

My husband & I don't agree on any of the parenting things. I'm the boss here....I pretty much have to walk him thru anything before I leave. By the way, what do all the initials mean (ds, dh....)

By Mara on Friday, April 9, 2004 - 11:08 pm:

Peggy, dh- dear or darn husband
ds- dear son
dd- dear daughter
I think there is a spot on the main page where you can click and there is a list of more of these.

By Momaroze on Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 05:51 pm:

Ditto (ladypeacek) Kenna, could not have said it better myself.

By Pamt on Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 06:59 pm:

We are definitely a team. I am usually the main disciplinarian just because I am with the kids more. However, DH will take the first step when he is here. We both decided when we first had kids that we will always form a united front in the presence of the children. Even if we do disagree we discuss it after they are in bed and talk about how we could compromise the next time.

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