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Appropriate chores

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Appropriate chores
By Tink on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 08:04 pm:

My DD is almost seven and has asked for an allowance. I'm not sure how much to give her or what to expect from her. I have always expected help from the kids just because I don't make all the mess and shouldn't have to clean all of it. She clears the table after dinner and is responsible for all of her morning routine before school, (I supervise but she handles most of it) and she feeds the cats. Do I expect more from her? Do I give her money even if I don't add any new jobs? I wasn't given an allowance or any spending money as a kid and had no $ sense for a while as an adult so would like her to understand that there are responsibilities that go with the fun of $. Any ideas?

By Melanie on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 08:11 pm:

We handle allowance and chores as two separate things. Chores are something that are done because we are all a family and we all need to contribute. Allowance is something that is given so that the kids can learn how to handle money. They can't learn how to budget wisely until they spend frivolously and waste it. So we choose not to tie the two together. However, if the kids want to earn extra money they are free to do some of my chores that I would normally do and for that I will happily pay them. They can even do chores for each other if one wants to earn money and the other is willing to pay for it. (The negotiations they do on that is a riot sometimes!)

By Debbie on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 09:24 pm:

My boys(ages 3-1/2 & 6)are responsible for cleaning up their rooms and making their beds. They have to put their dirty clothes in the hamper and take their dishes to the sink after eating. I do help my 3 yr old with cleaning his room. This is just part of pitching in and living as a family. Now, they can earn $2.00 a week by helping me with my chores. Since we started this, they always help each week to get their money. They help put away laundry, load/unload the dishwasher, dust, clean the floor with the swifter mop, etc.

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 11:03 pm:

We don't give the girls their allowance based on if they do or do not complete their chores.
I want them to learn that chores have to be done no matter what.
My DH was raised with his allowance being the reward for doing chores. Well, now that he's a "grown up" he expects a standing ovation (sp) if he takes the trash out. It has seriously affected the way he is as an adult. He is, unfortunately, not very responsible about getting things done. I know it's because there is no visible reward for doing it.
So, allowance is in no way related to chores at our house.

By Tink on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 11:58 pm:

Compared to her friends, I felt like I was expecting alot from her. She also keeps her room clean but her 2 best friends have moms that just wait on their girls. I was beginning to feel like a wicked evil mommy! I agree with your ideas of paying for extra jobs, I didn't know what would be unfair to expect her to do, but it sounds like I should just go with my instincts. Thanks!

By Ladypeacek on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 02:19 am:

Well my kids have chores but do not get paid for them at all!!!! They have to do these things becuase most of the chores revolve around things they have messed up! As for allowance, that is where the work paster comes in. They can choose to do extra household duties for money. I have a poster telling them how much each is worth and they can pick one to do!

By Coopaveryben on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - 02:51 pm:

I used to have a chore chart when I was around 8 or 9 that went something like this (I swear I was born to create charts, I made it myself and Okayed it with my Mom):

.25 Scrubbing Potty
.50 Vacumming Entire House

It went on like that, then when I did them I wrote what I did on a slip of paper and dropped it in a jar, my mom would tally it at the end of the week. I still had "regualar" jobs which I didn't get paid for.

My opinion on getting paid for chores is shouldn't get paid for all because you are a member of the household but they also need to learn in order to get money you must work and I think additional chores can help teach that.

By Tink on Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 12:00 am:

There is an article in this month's Real Simple magazine. They compared 3 families allowance styles and gave advice that might teach more responsible decision-making. They also firmly agree that chores and allowance are not tied together. The best idea, IMHO, was a girl who is given $20 each month. She puts $7 in an envelope for savings,$6 in the Giving envelope and $7 is for her to spend on herself. The Savings are put in a bank account when the envelope has $100 and that is saved for a large expense that has her parents' approval. Her parents tell her she pays the future and the community and lives on the rest. Great!

By Marcia on Friday, April 9, 2004 - 12:05 am:

My girls have to do extras to earn allowance. My 11 year old is a wonderful help with my 10 year old, who is totally dependant for all of her care. For that she gets allowance, because it's such a huge help for me.

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