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Stomach problems and rosey cheecks

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Stomach problems and rosey cheecks
By Singlemommy7782 on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 11:50 am:

My 10 month little girl seems to have a sensitivity towards something. first I thought maybe it was the citrus acid in her juice. But I stopped giving her juices that listed that. she still is having problems with this. I was wondering if it could be carrots or a combination of certain ingrediants? She will get rosey red cheecks and her chin will get red too. She will also get a hard stomach and sometimes she will get little red dots just on her stomach. She does not itch anywhere when this happens, she only seems bothered and screams when she has a hard stomach. Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be? Or what else I could try. It seems like almost every baby food lists carrots or citrus acid as an ingrediant.

By Coopaveryben on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 01:49 pm:

What does she eat in a typical day?

It just sounds like fruit (which I know you said you stopped giving her), my sons face does this with strawberry's, organes, tomatoes, of course that is just the acid. Are you giving her any spaghetti O's, anything with a tomatoe base?

By Singlemommy7782 on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 10:16 am:

I am just starting her out on soilds, so I am trying bland foods. But some of the baby foods have tomato paste in them. In a normal day she will have toast, juice, breastmilk, a veg. jar food and some kind fruit. Then either butter noodles or mashed potatoes,some kind of plain cookies and cheerios.
When I was pg with her I could not have anything with citrus acid or tomato paste either could that play a part?

By Coopaveryben on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 02:31 pm:

It could, I know my middle would break out like that. He loved to eat tomatoes, just tomatoes when he was about 18 mo and that is exactly what would happen to him. If she is really sensative it could be what is doing it to her. Also watch what fruit, peaches always did the same thing and anything with strawberries.

You know as stupid as that sounds, I craved different things with each one and was totally nausiated by different things. The things I liked with them they seem to like and the things I didn't they won't eat. Interesting...

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