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Help Please...

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Help Please...
By Jblmom on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 01:15 pm:

My 2 year old daughter will not go to sleep in her bedroom by herself. Either my husband or I have to go in there and lay on the floor next to her bed before she will go to sleep. Would love any advice you can give. Also for the last month or so she will not sleep through the night.
Any advice would be appreciated.

By Dana on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 04:22 pm:

Jblmom, along w/ the posts you get from this thread, do a search on the topic. You will find LOTS of old posts asking the same thing and with several replies.

If you are not sure how to do that, just go scroll to the top of the screen and look at the choices on your left. You will see a main topic of SEARCH BOARD. Click on keyword search. You can follow the prompts from there, but I suggest typing in "won't sleep", "trouble sleeping" and so on.

I'd offer more help, but my DD was usually pretty good about bed times.

By Fraggle on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 05:19 pm:

My youngest DD had a lot of trouble when she was about 27 months old-she transitioned from the crib to a bed nicely and then a few weeks later she just refused to stay in her bedroom. We even tried putting a gate up and letting her cry it out a bit-didn't really work-just kept her sister awake in the room next door. We tried a lot of different things-over a month and I don't really know what did it but she eventually went to sleep on her own one night. I guess that is not really any help, but I wouldn't stick to one thing too long to help her get to sleep or she may become too dependent on it. Most likely it is just a phase and things will change when you least expect it. I would just keep giving her a chance to fall asleep on her own before someone stays with her each night.

As for the sleeping through the night-my DD continues to have trouble with it. She will be fine for weeks and then for a couple of nights in a row she will wake up. If we try to put her back in bed she just keeps getting out again. Instead of pulling her into bed with us-which leaves me exhausted-we have a futon couch in our room so she climbs on there- she is still in the room with us but everyone is rested in the morning.

Good Luck. Hope someone can offer some advice to help :)!

By Bellajoe on Friday, February 20, 2004 - 12:41 pm:

Oh my gosh, I know EXACTLY how you feel! We had to do the same thing with both our kids and what a pain it was!

I agree with dana, do a search on it here. We've had this discussion in the past, several times.

I honestly don't know what we did about our daughter having this problem, i think she just out grew it. Putting a nightlight in her room helped alot. With our son, we ended up doing the "cry-it-out" thing. It was very hard at first but it did end up helping alot. he was 2 yrs old when we did it. We got the book "solve your child's sleep problems" from the library and it helped alot. Good luck!

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