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Normal stools for a baby??

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Normal stools for a baby??
By Amyk on Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 08:43 am:

Ok - kinda gross question - but I'm trying to troubleshoot my 4 month old's sleeping problems. (See my posts about acid reflux? gas? food allergy?)

Anyway, I'm beginning to think he has some foods that bother him by way of my breast milk. One think I've noticed over the past few weeks is about 90% of his stools are watery - not seedy like they used to be. Is this diarrhea? Normal? What was your experience with your breastfed baby?

I figure if he is having some diarrhea, this may back up my food allergy theory.

Well, must go change a diaper before it shoots up the back and stains everything. Yucko!!!!!! :-)

By Gammiejoan on Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 12:01 pm:

Amy, I do seem to remember that the stools of a breast fed baby seem to be a little looser than the stools of a bottle fed baby, or at least that seemed to be my experience with my sons and grandsons. On the other hand, your post seems to indicate that your baby's stools have been more watery the past few weeks. Maybe someone else will have some first hand knowledge of watery stools and food allergies.

By Lauram on Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 12:05 pm:

I think (not sure though) the only way to tell if it is truly diarrhea in a bf baby is by the frequency and the odor. My ds was extremely watery the entire time I bf him. He did have really bad colic though and a sensitivity to me having milk products. I stayed away from that. I think the best way to figure it out is to play around with your diet and see if you notice a difference. Try to isolate some common trouble foods (milk, caffeine, gassy foods (like broccoli, etc...) We had a LOT of shooting up the back poops when ds was bf! LOL! I could almost time them- about 10 minutes after he finished!

By Amyk on Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 12:31 pm:

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I am so desperate for he and I to get some good sleep - I'm eliminating all possible culprits from my diet. No dairy, certain veggies, peanuts, etc. I miss cheese!!!!!!!!!


By Chloe on Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 01:10 pm:

Yes, I remember it would run down his leg in the jumper, get all over the bouncy, oh and the swing too! It's amazing how quickly you forget , but that's why I keep a baby journal. He would go through three or four outfits a day and I always wondered if it was diarreah, and it never was. But as Lauram said, that would be indicated by a very offensive odor. Breastfed baby poop is just very wet. Also if the child is behaving normally then that is your best clue that all is well.

By Chloe on Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 01:41 pm:

Amyk, I just read your other posts and I see you do not believe this child is behaving normally. I was told it takes two full weeks for the cow's milk protien to leave your system so give it time. If that's what it is, you should see some major changes soon. We had similar symptoms for about the first six weeks and it turned out to be cow's milk protein sensitiity. The good news is by the time he was six months I went back to eating whatever I liked.

By Amyk on Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 03:34 pm:

Thanks for the heads up on the cow's milk... I had my first bowl of cereal with soy milk this morning...not bad!

By Pamt on Monday, December 29, 2003 - 08:42 pm:

When I was nursing I think I remember reading that when babies are exclusively breastfed (before you start introducing cereals and solids) that it is virtually impossible for a baby to get constipated or diarrhea. Maybe some diarrhea with a viral infection like rotavirus, but otherwise their poops will be pretty liquid-y.

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