Am I over reacting?
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003:
Am I over reacting?
My ds came home from school the other day and told me that his extension teacher told him that she was tired of him and that he is a pain in the butt. This may be true; however I don't even tell him that. I tell him he's making me frustrated or angry but i don't talk to him like that. I asked him what he was doing to make her say this and he said him and another student were cutting up. I got on to him for cutting up in the classroom but I also told him that it didn't matter what he was doing no adult had the right to call him names. I talked to his teacher about it(she happens to be a friend of 20 yrs) and she said she would talk to the other teacher about it. Well ever since then he has been getting into trouble at school. Nothing major just things like not finishing his work or talking even more in class. I don't know what I should do. I have punished him, he's not allowed to watch tv, play nintindo, get on the computer, or play with his precious yugio cards. But I'm wondering is if I should talk to the principal about it. I was a k3 and k4 teacher for a while and I am a firm believer you never do anything to dampen a child's spirit. It breaks my heart that she would say this to him. Yes he can be a pain in the butt, but should a teacher tell him this, especially in front of the class. Sorry this is so long but I had to vent. By the way he's only in the 1st grade.
Nothing like dampening a kids attitude toward school right from the start. No way, no how should the teacher have said that. Not even under her breath. It's not acceptable not to mention it's not nice. It could be that with the excitment of the holidays that your son is more talkative in class; however, it sort of looks suspicious that this problem on came up after she was caught doing something she shouldn't have. You are your child's best advocate. That is one thing that my mom taught me. She argued for me in school through everything that came my way. That was the one thing she always stressed. Whether I was right or wrong, she supported me.
What's an extension teacher? I would talk to him/ her directly- or the principal. Totally not ok.
Ditto Laura. NOT OK.
Laura an extension teacher is something they came up with this year(or a couple of yrs ago). They talk about good touch bad touch issues, they discuss health and nutrition, and they do a lot of science projects. He only goes to her for one block(1hr) a day.
Me three - NOT OK! I think I'd have a talk with the teacher. That is so unacceptable to me, for anyone to talk to one of my kids that way, even if they ARE a pain in the butt. Certainly not my idea of positive reinforcement!
yes,talk with the extension teacher. I was just helping out today in my ds 1st grade classroom and noticed how all the kids seemed overly excited and his teacher just laughed and said it was very normal for this time of year. It`s seems that this teacher would take that into consideration.Good luck, and keep us posted!
My son also same. I got lot of complains from the scool that he is disterbing others. What I did was I spoke to my son first and explaine him what happen when he talk too much and gave him some examples and I went and met his class teacher and told her not tell him he is talktive. I want her to tell him that he is quiet now. I think you better speak to your child first and then go and speak to the teach and request her now to blame him or shout at him infront of other children. Try to explain to the teacher that every child is not equal and as a mother your child is special to you. She has no right to talk to any child like that. But do not discuss this matter frequently with your child because he will remember this for ever.