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Speech converence today

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Speech converence today
By Joan on Thursday, December 4, 2003 - 12:35 pm:

I had a meeting with my ds's speech teacher today. Everything is going well with his speech. She showed me some tests scores of his. On one test, I think it was a language understanding test, I'm not real sure the appropriate label for the test. But, anyway his scores placed him with the 8 and half year olds! He is only 6! I was very impressed. Another test he scored for a 6 year and 1 month child which is right in his range. The only problem he is having with speech is articulation. His regular teacher also joined us in the meeting and said that he is very bright, but doesn't want to follow directions. She also said that he is very fidgetty. Always wants to be fiddleling with stuff. She thinks he might have a compulsive disorder, but feels that it might be too early to take any steps. She wants to wait until the year progresses to see what happens. There has been a lot of changes in his life in the last 4 months. We've moved to a different house and he has a new baby sister. We think this might have some to do with his not following directions, we never had this problem in school last year.
My husband and I , of course being that we think he is the best kid and of course the brightest :) that might be just because we are his parents :) Know what I mean?
He always scores way above average on tests scores with a few averages. But he never has below average scores. Geez, he scored 2 years ahead in the one test. He is very vocal and will start up a conversation with anyone willing to give him their attention. He always wants to be the center of attention, he expects his teacher to stop whatever she is doing to listen to what he has to say, (Im tryin to break him of that).
Anyway, what are the signs of a gifted child? My dh and I have always seen things in him that make us wonder this. We used to always joke around that Eienstin didn't even start speaking until he was 3.


By Clair~moderator on Thursday, December 4, 2003 - 12:59 pm:

By Pamt on Thursday, December 4, 2003 - 11:16 pm:

He may very well be gifted and I would encourage you to investigate it further. Your school can test him also. However, I did want to throw in a word of caution. You mentioned him scoring over 2 years above his age. This is a test measurement referred to as "age equivalence" and most standardized tests have this type of score. However, psychomterically speaking, age (or grade) equivalence is not a very sound or reliable score. It is better to go by "standard scores" (with 10 or 100 being the *average* based on the test) and percentile ranks than age equivalencies.

So glad he is doing well with his speech therapy!! Sounds great :)

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