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My youngest has learned...

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: My youngest has learned...
By Sunny on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 02:22 pm:

My 13 month old has learned how to take off his diaper. He's been practicing this new skill for a couple of weeks. I thought, no problem, I'm a veteran mom, I've handled this kind of problem before. I started dressing him in a onesie and shorts. I figured that the waistband would prevent him from pulling on the tabs. Umm...He's figured out how to get around it. *sigh*

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 02:36 pm:

LOL! Maybe he will potty train early?!? Wishful thinking.........can't hurt.........

By Amy~moderator on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 02:54 pm:

Sometimes I let my ds (22 mos) run around diaperless when we are at home, certainly not when we're out. My problem a few months ago was his taking his diaper off when I put him to sleep in his room. Sometimes he would pee all over the bed and I would find it later in the night or in the morning.

I put pull-ups on him, and that did help for awhile. Now he can take those off. So at night I put him in the Pj's that either zip or snap up, and he hasn't learned how to break into those. HTH

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 03:03 pm:

Try putting the diapers on backwards, and if all else fails there's always duct tape! A friend of mine found it to be helpful. I commented, "But don't you need scissors to get the diaper off?" She said, "Yes, a PITB to get off but better than poop all over the place!" LOL!

By Juli4 on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 04:04 pm:

My 2 year old is potty training a nd prefers to be naked. We can hrdly keep clothes on her. It is ok around the house becuase she will use her potty adn stuff, but sometimes she sneeks on to the front porch if I don't lock the screen and people drive by while she stands there and waves naked. Luckily we catch her soon, but a couple times not soon enough.

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 07:59 pm:

I too was having this problem with my not yet 2 year old. She was constantly taking her diaper off. I switched to pull-ups. The cost a few cents more but compared to the headache of cleaning up "accidents" it is well worth it.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 - 08:59 pm:

Oh no!! My kids never did that! When oldest dd was around 2-1/2, everytime we got home from somewhere, her shirt would come off and sometimes the undershirt, too! LOL! She just liked running around with less clothes on! Was just a stage and it eventually passed!

By Sunny on Wednesday, September 3, 2003 - 12:18 am:

I've thought of duct tape! LOL I never seem to have any handy when I need it.

I think he's ready to move up a size so they may be too small and he's uncomfortable. I may try to ride it out and hope the fascination wears off. If not, I'm taking notes and may try some of the suggestions! Thanks

By Tonya on Wednesday, September 3, 2003 - 10:24 am:

I used duct tape and Timmy hated it but could not get it off. Use it it really works.

By Bobbie on Wednesday, September 3, 2003 - 10:38 pm:

I have done the diaper back wards and I have done the duct tape and I have also done the onsie on backwards with the crotch diaper pinned shut. And while in winter sleepers I took a diaper pin and pinned the zippers shut............ Do what you have to do to keep it on me. Learned this the hard way. Nap + poop = no need to say more............

By Bobbie on Wednesday, September 3, 2003 - 10:39 pm:

"Do what you have to do to keep it on me." Oh my I need to go to bed........ That should read him. These early mornings are killing this late night mama...

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