Ds is afraid of public toilets.. Any advice?
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003:
Ds is afraid of public toilets.. Any advice?
DS is pretty much potty trained. The only thing is he is afraid of public toliets. Any suggestions. The other day he wanted to pee in the pool but I rushed him over to the bathroom twice to have him pee in the bathroom drain instead of the toilet. I know it is gross.... Help!
I wish I had an answer. Jessica is 4 1/2 and she is so funny about public bathrooms. She will hold it until we leave a place or until I ask her if she needs to go. I will walk her outside to the van and let her go in the travel potty. I need to find a way to break this habbit. I thought about getting a fold up potty to see if she would go on that in a public bathroom.
Yep my kids too! They hate them. But think about it, toilets are larger and higher usually. They usually stink! They're small and cramped. Toilet paper sucks (if there is any) We (well I know I do) stress their uncleanliness. And most of them are so loud when they flush! Go figure!! My kids hate the loud flushes so I let them get out and I flush for them. I also use the "ballroom" as I call it - handicapped where possible and all of us go in together. That helps ease the anxiety too!
I agree about the loud flushing sound, it scares me sometimes!!! LOL
My neigbor's 3 year old dd would never go in the public toilet. She went to babies r us and got a foldable potty seat. She can take it anywhere and now the little girl uses the public restroom without the fear of falling in. I guess there is nothing to do about the loud ness of the flush though...i agree amy, they are scary when they are so loud it sounds like an explosion!