Understanding your child's vision test result (ie 20/20)
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003:
Understanding your child's vision test result (ie 20/20)
My DD was tested for bck to sch physical and rated 20/30. I was told there was no need to see a dr. I did another free screening at Walmart and again tested 20/30 and the person said the score "indicates the need to see an eye dr" So wanted to learn more about what this meant. I knew it meant "what a normal vision person can see at 30 ft, my daughter can see at 20 ft" This link gives you more explaination on how eye test works, and also shows you an example of what each vision score looks like. I looked at the 20/30 vision, and it looks awful! Why would her dr ofc say there was no need for eye exam???? Well, I just wanted to share incase any of the rest of you are looking at the same information for your child. http://www.ladarvision.com/eyes/default.asp
Dana, at one time one of my kids tested out at 20/30 and I spoke with the doc about it. She said at around age 5 their eyes start to change, so all kids tend to be a touch farsighted (or nearsighted..lol) also just because they cannot perform better on an eye chart does not mean their vision is that bad. An eye chart is meant to catch blaring problems, but not really meant to see how good the eyes can see, if that makes sense. However, it probably wouldn't hurt just to get your daughters vision checked out!
Thanks Kaye. I was one of those kids who's vision was affected by the size of my head. In second grade I got glasses until my head grew larger.(had to do w/ the distance for of my focal point. when my head got bigger, the focal point changed) DD has a very very tiny head, so I am suspecting she will have the problem I did. I would just feel safer having an eye dr tell me she doesn't need them . However, I was anxious to see how she tested because there have been times she told me should couldn't see something well. Maybe I'll wait to see how she does in school. I can always have her tested in a few more months.
Dana, my daughter is now seven, and while I don't recall her vision 'scores' it has always been less than 20/20 and I was also told that that was normal for her age, and that no child in this age group has 20/20 vision yet. My husband needed glasses in fourth grade, so her chances of needing them is higher than average, but even with that history the doctor says it's fine to wait another year for a formal vision exam with an eye doctor, unless she complains of not being able to see the chalkboard or TV or whatever. She has no complaints, so I've not done anything yet and don't intend to unless symptoms show up. Just wanted to share that my doctor also says less than 20/20 vision is perfectly normal for these ages. But if it makes you feel better, by all means get her checked! Remember, though, they really can't tell how well she can see except based on what SHE tells them. If she has any difficulty understanding the test or what they want her to do, it will skew the results. I, myself, just returned last week from my every two year eye exam, and I, an adult, felt a little confused as to how to respond! When they keep changing the focus of the letters and asking which screen looks better, the first or second, I often find no difference but FEEL like I should see a difference, and after a minute of this I can't remember which screen is the first and which the second, and so on! I don't know how they test five year olds, but results are dependent on how well she understands, so just keep that in mind. Good luck!
Thanks again Kaye.