Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Lying....
Okay I know a few of you have had this issue in the past but I am up against a wall at this point. Jordan (10 almost 11) has started lying about EVERYTHING. I am at a loss on how to stop it. I have already taken everything I can think of away from her and she still continues to lie. Here is an example for you: Yesterday afternoon she called me at work and asked for help coming up with some ideas for her writing assignment, so I helped her as much as I could on the phone and told her to try to do some of it anyway. I got home from work and she was watching TV, so I asked if she finished her homework and she said she finished 1 of the 3 paragraphs that she has due on Friday. I told her she needed to do one more so she won't have so much to do today. Well I had a really bad headache and went to lay down for a few min before starting dinner. When DH got home about 45 min later I asked her to show me her "reminder binder" which has all her homework assignments in it and the paragraphs that she had done on the writing assignment. She started getting upset and trying to come up with reasons that she didn't want to or that I didn't need to see it. So I demanded and she told me that she hadn't even started it. So I told her to sit down at the table and start writing because she wasn't going to do anything else that night besides eat dinner and she would have a time limit on that. At this point there is no TV, computer or playing friends. I am on the verge of taking her toys out of her room (this won't be the first time but it has been a year or so since I did it). I don't know what else to do. After this horrible night she lied to me this morning about brushing her teeth. I just don't understand why she is lying about such silly little things like brushing her teeth and stuff that she is just going to have to do anyway when I figure it out. Any help would be appreciated. I just don't know what else to do.
My kids are 9 & 11 and I've recently been through this with both of them. When they were caught lying they lost all privileges for a few days or until the homework was finished. Whatever was most appropriate at the time. Now I check their Agenda books and their school's web site for homework assignments daily. I will continue for a few more weeks until they earn my trust back. My DD has lied about brushing her teeth, too. Again, loss of privileges for the day and Mom escorting and supervising in the bathroom for a few days to make sure it gets done. My kids hate it when I hover over them for things like that. I chuckle and say, "Well, you lied to me so now you need to earn my trust back. Until then, (in Monster's Inc. voice) I'm watching you! Always watching..." Hee hee!