Need suggestions on a good booster seat
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Need suggestions on a good booster seat
By Nancy on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 11:02 am: | When I had her carseat checked a couple of weeks ago the officer said we could start looking around for a booster seat for her. I have done some checking into the different kinds and it can be overwhelming. I just got done reading consumer reports and one that they recommended was the Graco TurboBooster. Anyone use this one or have any other suggestions??
By Trina on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 12:11 pm: | Hi Nancy, Car Seat Nerd here. What is the age and weight of your DD? The Graco Turbo Booster is a good one, but there are many others to choose from as well. My DS has been in a Britax Star Riser Comfy for the past 3 years. LOVE it! However, we just bought him a Britax Body Guard because of it's side impact protection. (I told you I was a car seat nerd!) Since Britax came out with the Body Guard, prices on the Star Riser Comfy have come down. A GREAT place to go with Child Passenger Safety questions and concerns is... Many CPS techs and advocates post there and are very informative and helpful.
By Nicosmom on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 03:05 pm: | Hello. I also need to get my ds a new car seat and/or booster. I'm not exactly sure what age children can start using a booster. My ds is 28 months old and about 30 lbs. Any suggestions on brands and where to purchase would be helpful. Thanks!
By Bellajoe on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 03:28 pm: | We put our dd in her booster seat at about 3 1/2 years old. We have a Graco and it works just fine. The only problem is on long car trips if she falls asleep, there is no comfy place for her to rest her head. Her head just slumps down and looks VERY uncomfortable. Other than that it is a good seat, has hidden cup holders too!
By Kaye on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 03:59 pm: | They need to stay in a five point harness until they weigh at least 40 pounds. Usually this is around age 4. Don't move your baby into a booster for at least a year.
I have the new Graco Turbo Booster. I LOOOOVE it!!!! It has a 5 point harness system. Cup holders. A head rest that curves on the sides so my ds can rest his head there when he falls asleep. You just sit the booster seat in the car, sit your child in it, and buckle him in. Simple! It's very stylish as well, which is an added plus. I paid about 70-80 dollars for it.
By Dana on Friday, July 11, 2003 - 01:33 pm: | My DD is age 5 and still in her car seat. She is quite small in heigth and miminal weight. I figure no need to switch till she outgrows what we already have. She is in a Britax which I really love and I know has great ratings. I have been looking around however for a booster. They come up w/ new ones all the time that are better and better, so I don't mind waiting a little longer.
By Trina on Friday, July 11, 2003 - 01:41 pm: | Most kids aren't mature enough or physically big enough to sit properly in a belt positioning booster until they are at least 4 yrs. of age and 40 lbs.. My DD is 5 and weighs 35 lbs.. She's still in a 5 pt. harnessed seat and will stay in it until she's at least 40 lbs.. Her particular seat harnesses to 80 lbs. (Britax Super Elite) so I have the option of keeping her in it longer should I decide she's not mature enough to sit properly in a booster, even at 40 lbs.. Nicosmom, what seat is your DS currently in?
By Nancy on Friday, July 11, 2003 - 02:26 pm: | I'm feeling like a complete carseat/booster dummy right now. My dd isn't 40lbs yet. She is 37 lb and will be 4 in August. The officer that checked the seat made mention of a couple of things. One being her shoulders were even with her strap. So from what I understand one more growth spurt and she will be out of the seat. Right???? In NC kids are required to use a seat/booster until the age of 5. My dd is little so I can't see moving her out of one in just a yr. I'd like to buy one that we can move her into now and also use for the next couple of years. KWIM? I don't want to go to put her in her current seat one morning only to find she has grow in her sleep and now is too big. I'd rather move her now. Okay I hope this makes sense???? Trina thanks for the site. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. Honestly all this is overwhelming. I mean here I thought I could move her now to a booster and I was wrong. Oh and something I learned at that check-point. A car seat has an expiration date on it.
By Trina on Friday, July 11, 2003 - 03:29 pm: | Nancy, NO you're not a car seat dummy! You consulted with a CPS tech. and are asking questions and doing research. That says a lot right there. What seat is your DD currently in? How tall is she? Is she tall for her age? Would you like to keep her harnessed past 40 lbs.? If you'd like to keep her harnessed past 40 lbs. here are your options: Britax Marathon convertible seat rear facing to 33 lbs. forward facing to 65 lbs. aircraft certified Britax Husky forward facing to 80 lbs. must be tethered at 48 lbs. not aircraft certified More info at Safety Baby/Nania Airway harnessed to 50 lbs. converts to a belt positioning booster CPS tech review: Airway Review I have no personal experience with this seat but do know the manufacturer has a shady past involving recalls and legal suits. You could also go with a combination seat that harnesses to 40 lbs. then transitions to a booster. Some have higher harness slots than others. (You can compare harness slot measurements at Measurements). Recommended seats here: Recommended Seats Compatibility Database here. You can look up your vehicle(s) to see how different seats fit: I'm sure the CPS techs and advocates at the Car Seat board would be more helpful. That's where I've learned LOTS. Let me know if you're looking for a specific seat. I'll keep my eyes out and let you know if I see any good deals. Ummm yes, I'm a car seat nerd.