UPDATE on my DD's fib at church
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003:
UPDATE on my DD's fib at church
Well, I feel truly bad, I got a message on my answering machine last night when we got home, and it was my DD's Sunday school teacher, there WAS an Abbie that had surgery at C&r hsptl. it WASN'T my Abbie, but my Abbie took the rap for it. I felt so bad! I sent Abbie to her room, we had this thing of her standing in front of the church and apologizing....that she was gonna do Sunday.........SHEESH!!!!!! Poor baby, Im so glad that it was a misunderstanding, and it was found out before Abbie had to do anything about it. Abbie's preacher called last night too, and apologized all over himself, and he said this will NEVER happen again, it was his fault this misunderstanding got started, and the entire church was askin my Abbie about it, and the poor kid, said yes...it was her...MG I can't figure out why she took the rap for that, when she didn't even say anything. I had a talk with Abbie about it this am, and I told her to NEVER admit to anything she hasn't done, and how much trouble she could have gotten into for that. Needless to say......Abbie got some special time spent with her today.....I almost cried, holding her, when I was talking to her about it. It's a sigh of relief, that she wasnt onrey enough to tell a fib like that though I let her go to the store, and pick a baby doll she wanted, for getting in trouble for something she didn't do. I did explain to her though to NEVER take the blame for something you didn't do.
Actually I think the preacher and sunday teacher should stand up in from of the church and apologize to Abbie. Is Abbie okay?
What an ordeal. As for the church, mistakes happen. And they were not malicious (sp?) in there intent by telling you that your daughter had lied. It was just a mistake, and it sounds like they really feel badly about it. Your poor little girl, must feel so confused right now. But then again, she got her baby doll LOL At least you can rest easy that she wasn't looking for attention.
LOL Dana....thankfully she wasn't wanting attention Feona, she's great....she's a trooper, she wasn't mad or anything, when I told her the misunderstanding. Her Preacher and Sunday School teacher is going to announce to everyone what happened, and a big apology will be said. Abbie is so laid back and easy going, she takes things as this with a grain of salt Im so glad!
That is a good way to be (easy going). Good for Abbie!
Well, I do think it is appropriate for the adults who were responsible for the whole mess to make a public explanation and apology. (Though I did not think it a good idea for your daughter to have to do so when you thought she was the one who was lying.) Don't be surprised, however, if this comes up again. There will be people who will have heard the first part of this story, directly or indirectly, who won't hear the second part, and it may come up to haunt you and your daughter over the next few months. People are much quicker to tell others about some bad or odd or unpleasant thing that happened than they are to pass on the correction of the first story.