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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Lice
By Anonymous on Sunday, June 8, 2003 - 12:43 pm:

I found lice in my daughters hair this morning! I only found 3 on her entire head, I did find a few nits so I treated her and her sister (who didn't have any) It was so hard to call my good friend and tell her but since my kids were around her kids I felt I had to. I have never had to deal with this, have any of you?
I have stripped the beds, I have a spray to treat the furniture and the car. Any other tips? I guess I will go in and talk to the school nurse on Monday. It is so embarassing. I know it has nothing to do with hygeine, but still, the thought of it!

By Trina on Sunday, June 8, 2003 - 03:20 pm:

{{{HUGS}}} Thankfully my kids haven't had lice (yet) but I have experienced a lice outbreak in my classroom when I was teaching 3rd Grade. Lots of info here:

By Palmbchprincess on Sunday, June 8, 2003 - 08:42 pm:

If you look in the archives from about a month ago, we discussed our treating lice tips. I'm short on time right now, but will post tips later. One quick tip, all stuffed animals and pillows get put in plastic bags and sealed for 2 weeks. When I got them in 3rd grade, the school nurse gave my mom a bunch of tips. It's a good thing our families are friends, because my mom called her at night when she found them. She had no idea what to do, so the nurse came over and helped us. :)

By Gammiejoan on Sunday, June 8, 2003 - 08:50 pm:

Both of my sons had to be treated for lice on a couple occasions years ago when they were in daycare. Neither of my grandsons have had them yet, but I'm not going to be surprised if they do. A lot of people don't like to admit that their children have had lice because they are embarrassed, but you would be surprised to know the percentage of children who have them at one time or another. They spread rather easily in children. It sounds as if you are handling it appropriately.

By Beth on Sunday, June 8, 2003 - 11:20 pm:

You should not feel bad! I think every family who had kids that go anywhere has to deal with this at one time or another. My ds's daycare has it once and he had to be treated before he came back. He never did get it but we had to do the shampoo. Also my dd has excema and when she first was diagnosed her regualr ped told me it might be scabies. I was livid. We had to go through this big ordeal of house cleaning. I took here to the demertologist and he diagnosed her with the excema. But like you I felt embarrased about it. You could not have prevented this no matter how clean you are! Its going to happen eventually probably to all of us.

By My2girlygirls on Monday, June 9, 2003 - 09:41 am:

Thanks guys. I guess I can admit it was my dd that had them. I just took her up to her school and went in to talk to the nurse and let her know, I am so LIVID!!! I know she has to be precautious, but she puts on gloves and takes 2 tongue depressers and starts looking through my dd's hair. She found like 3 nits that were in there. Gee, I guess I missed them when I was combing through it for 2 hours yesterday... She said, "Well, just so you know the policy is that if I find even one nit she can't stay" I said, "Yes, I was planning to take her home today anyway" I know that this is policy but I could immediately see a change in her demeanor. Like my kid is a leper. I then stopped in the office to sign my dd out and the nurse is standing there opening telling the secretary that they are going to check my dd's class for lice. Not even trying to speak in a hushed voice. I am so frustrated! My first instinct was to treat her and not tell anyone, I just thought that since she probably got it from someone in the class I would let them know so they could check everyone. I am rethinking that decision right now! They will send a letter home to each child stating that someone in the class had lice and that parents should continue to check their children. She has to be checked by the nurse before she can re-enter school. I feel like keeping her out for the rest of the d*** week! They only have 1/2 days this week! I am so mad. I understand that it is for the safety of the children but I think it could be handled in a more discreet way. Maybe something to put in the suggestion box at school.

By Babysitbarb on Monday, June 9, 2003 - 10:42 am:

Hey, I'v been there also. I run a daycare and have had problems a couple times. What's sad is they have came from Family members both times. It's makes you feel horrible but, I'm a neat freak so I know that it's not because of being dirty. My neices babysitter thought she had them a couple weeks ago but it turned out to be a build up from shampoo. My BIL and SIL were just livid. She's only 17 months old.I have found that buying the metal comb instead of using the one that comes with the treatments work better. My youngest got them once and it took days to get them all because she has such thick hair. I also found that going outside in the sun light also helps you able to see the nits better.Make sure you spray your car even because people don't think about that.

By Marcia on Monday, June 9, 2003 - 01:40 pm:

My girls and I had lice a couple of years ago. It was so hard to get rid of, with a bunch of little girls with long hair, but we did it.
Your school treated it as they all do. If they don't send notes home, it could be some other kid who's spreading it around, and it'll never stop. We don't have school nurses, but the vice principal does the glove and pick thing to check it out. I don't mind at all, because I want it to end even more than they do.
Don't ever feel embarrassed. It's very hard to prevent it with kids in school.

By Melanie on Monday, June 9, 2003 - 01:44 pm:

You know, they probably weren't discreet because they don't see it as anything to be discreet about. Lice is a fact of life when you have a bunch of kids in close proximity. We've had a couple of notices go home in my kids' school this year and I check my boys regularly, just in case. Don't be embarassed. It's just one of those things. ((((HUGS))))

By Tonya on Monday, June 9, 2003 - 02:30 pm:

I agree with Melanie. It happens. My sister and I had them a few times each. You cannot avoid it with kids. We lived in a really clean house and took baths regularly it just is a part of life when you are around other kids.

By My2girlygirls on Monday, June 9, 2003 - 03:55 pm:

Thanks, it does make me feel better hearing advice from all of you. It is just tough to feel "singled out". I know it is standard policy but still 2nd graders can be mean. I just hope none of them put 2 and 2 together. I just felt like as soon as they knew that she had them, they banished us as quickly as they could. I'm sure it was just my perception. Thanks for all of the kind words.

By Lauram on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 09:01 pm:

It just went through my ds's class. It's just a fact of life. I've had it so many times in my classroom- I can't even count. The nurse puts on gloves, just like you described and checks the class. (EWW_ I would totally put on gloves if I had to do that!) Kids can't return to school until they are completely nit free. That's because it is so hard to get rid of and they don't want to give it to the rest of the class if possible. IT's a royal pain, but try not to take it out on the poor nurse. THey get screamed at SOOOO much about lice. It's not their fault! I actually had it (as a teacher) twice myself. Just follow the directions to the letter and be really vigilant. The day we got the paper for my son that it was in his class I had his head shaved (less than i inch so they can't attach). He actually looks really cute and has received lots of compliments! :)

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, June 22, 2003 - 12:20 am:

We had lice once when my oldest daughter was 2 and I was pregnant with the younger one. Actually older dd and me both had them. Treated hubby, but he never got it. She got it from the babysitter who "forgot" to tell me. Fortunately, the treatment (Nix) didn't hurt the younger daughter (11 now) and we didn't have any problem getting rid of them. It's just such a hassle washing everything and packing away the stuffed animals for 2 weeks. I'm glad we haven't ever had to go through it again!

By Bobbie on Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 11:26 pm:

Been there and done that and I have the Tshirt.
It will be okay....

By My2girlygirls on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 02:04 pm:

All treated and it is gone now! What a pain in the a**! I am just now catching up on the laundry! Thanks for all the kind words, hopefully, I won't have to deal with it again! :-)

By Randarusse on Saturday, July 5, 2003 - 08:40 pm:

Hey I am a hairdresser and i konw exactly what you all are talking about. I deal with this all of the time. My advice to you is to have the person that does her hair check her everytime you take her in for a hair cut. If she does have it, have the hairdresser call the school that she attends and tell them that way nobody ever knows who it was that had it. That way the school still knows but they cant make you feel like an idiot. By the way anybody that is low income can go to the health department and get lice treatment for free.(not saying that you are low income). Good luck and if you need anymore advice on this issue feel free to e-mail me.

By My2girlygirls on Monday, July 7, 2003 - 07:32 am:

Thanks for the advice, the only problem is that I'm her hairdresser :-) I'm a hairdresser too..
I think the nurse handled it fine, I was just the one who took it personally. I had never dealt with anything like this before and it was much harder than I thought it would be. Thanks for all the nice words here! It definately helped me!

By Mylittleanimals on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 01:06 am:

Last year when my daughter was in head start, she had lice 2xs. The first time I was also embarrassed and mad. But, that was just my first reaction. Her teacher told me that there was another child that had them and thats where they were coming from. I was soo mad because I didnt know there was another outbreak and I called the school nurse to ask why there wasnt a warning note sent home so I could keep an eye out. Get this...the schools new policy is that they DO NOT have to notifiy ANYONE when another child has lice. They said it invades ones privacy! Anyways, I read on the net somewhere that tree oil shampoo works good to revent lice. Apparently they cant stick in your hair as good and I guess you can buy the shampoo at any health food store.

By Semperspencer on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 01:54 am:

I can't believe the school wouldn't notify the other kids' parents!

By Marcia on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 08:50 am:

Our school sends a notice home saying someone in the class has it, but they don't say who. I think that they handle it well. As soon as I get the notice, their hair is full of gel and spray, and in tight braids. I'm not doing the lice thing again!!!

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 11:33 am:

Our school sends a note home that SOMEONE has it, but not who. I can't believe they wouldn't notify anyone! That stuff can spread like wildfire. Somewhere in WI a few years, they had a huge outbreak and so many kids had lice that they had to close schools. They don't have to tell you WHO, just that it exists.

By Mylittleanimals on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 03:01 pm:

thats what I said too! I dont want to know the name of the child, just that it is there so I have the heads up. A few years ago they use to send home a note saying there was an outbreak so I dont know why they have stopped. I think the parents have the right to know when an outbreak occurs.

By Bobbie on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 08:48 pm:

They send a note out to the whole school when there is a case in my kids school. The kids ride buses with each other and have siblings that are in classes together. So they just send a what to look for and what to do list to the whole school.

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