Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: "joy"
Brendan came out of Sunday school with a baggie of trail mix on Sunday, he told mom and I that this bag was his "joy". I thought that was so cute because evidently they had been learning about the same thing our sermon was on "joy". Anyways, once we got home he was going through his "joy" and asking me what all the different foods were and of course the M&M's didn't last long. Well today I found the "joy" on the kitchen table and called Brendan into the dining room, I asked him if he wanted the trail mix. He looked at me and said "but mommy that is joy and you're supposed to share it with someone else". Of course the trail mix didn't get thrown away, probably won't get eaten either but he sure did share the "joy" because it did my heart good! He is really enjoying church here lately, he looks forward to it and we may start going on Wednesday nights when I'm off of work. We've been reading our children's bible most nights and he's beginning to ask questions and understand. It's awesome, we're learning together!
Aww, that's really cute!
He definitely understood the lesson! Cute!
Too cute!!
Thanks everyone!