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TV in kids room?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: TV in kids room?
By Eve on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 10:37 am:

Sydney is 2. Now, before you say "no way" hear me out and then I'd love some feedback.

Sydney is in a big girl bed, but life has been hectic and she wanted to sleep with us again. (Her whole life almost she has been in bed with us, so it's her comfort) We have a tv in our room. When she is sick, I let her lay in my bed and watch her videos. I want her to find comfort in her room now. She has been saying she is scared and we've been sleeping in her bed with her to get her in there again.

We looked at small tv's with VCR's this weekend and Syd exclaimed that she "wanted it!" LOL! A popular new phrase in our house.

Is this too young to be thinking about this? I would love to let her watch a video in bed at night and have her more comfortable in her room. DH and I have not made a decision yet. Would love to know at what age you allowed a tv in your childrens room or if you will never allow one.

By Jackie on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 10:44 am:

Everybody will have dift opinions on this, so watch out :)
My son, (hes 8 1/2)has a tv/vcr in his room. I think we gave him one(we have lots of Used tv's around here)when he was almost 5. He loves it, because him and his sister do not like to watch the same shows. My daughter is 3 1/2 and has a tv and vc in her room, (again its all used stuff, dh loves to go to thrift stores and buy this stuff for cheap and fix it).But the truth is, she hardly ever watches the tv in her room, not even at nite, she prefers to be with somebody when she watches tv.I We gave her a tv/vcr about 8 months ago, and she may have watched it 6 times in there, if that much.
The way I look at it, its all what works for you.If you find that your daughter stays in bed at nite, while watching a video then go with what works. I know many parents are strongly against it.Do whats best for you and your family.

By Tonya on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 10:56 am:

Timmy is 4 and he received a TV/VCR combo for Christmas right after his 2nd B-day. He loves it and so do I. He has all of his movies in his room and watches whatever he wants whenever he wants. He is good with his videos and is responsible to the point he knows only 1 out at a time and he puts them away where they belong before pulling another one out. He also has a rewinder that he is good about using.

We are lucky with Timmy where he will always have a movie on but hardly ever is sitting down and watching it. He is usually always doing something else like playing with matchboxes on the floor or using his leap pad or something. I think he likes the background noise.

He does get 30 minutes of wind down time every night from 8-8:30 before he has to sleep it helps him and it works great for us we don't get the i'm not tired statements from him. Usually in the 30 minutes he is out cold.

Good luck.

By Joan on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 11:07 am:

My sons ages 6 and 3 share a room. They have a tv that I had when I was a teen and a old vcr that was given to us. There is no cable hookup, just vcr only. I'd say that they probebly only watch 1 or 2 movies in there per day. On the weekends they are allowed to watch it when they go to sleep, but on school nights there is no tv at bedtime. My 3 yr old has just now gotten to be responsible with having it. In the past it has had stuff stuck inside it like smaller toys and french fries were always a favorite to stick in it :) I would have to take it apart and clean it out. I would not spend much money on one to put in a toddlers room, but maybe that is just me :)


By Truestori on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 11:07 am:


Jackie is right, everyone differs on this topic..LOL

My daughter had a tv in her room when she turned 5. The only reason it wasn't any sooner is because she slept with me..

It is not going to harm her in anyway. As a matter of fact it is better than just sitting her in front of cable (oops...I mean Tivo...LOL you lucky duck!!) :) all day long. You have control over what she watches and give her the choice of one long video or two short ones...and see how it goes. JMHO

It is so funny to read your posts because it brings back so many memeories of my daughter and her terrible two stages..LOL :)

By Trina on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 11:24 am:

We have a small TV/VCR that floats around the house. Sometimes it's in DD's room, sometimes DS's, but it's home base is in the guest room. We don't want it to be a permanent fixture in either of the kid's rooms. Partly because we don't think it's a good idea but also because we have 2 kids and we're not going to buy another TV/VCR. LOL! Neither of my kids nap any longer but I did let them watch kid videos in their room if/when they were having a hard time settling down for nap. Never hooked it up to cable because we didn't even want to go there. Too difficult to monitor appropriate viewing. They will occasionally ask to watch videos in their rooms when they want to watch something different or when friends are over. I see no problem with that. However, we never allow them to watch videos in their room at bed time. We personally don't think that would be a good habit to get into. Bed time is time for sleeping. Knowing DD, she would be a zombie watching TV all night. NOT a good thing! LOL!

Bottom line, do what YOU think is good for your situation. Different things work for different families.

By Kaye on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 11:28 am:

We have thought about doing the same thing and chose not to for several reasons. First plain and simple kids watch way too much TV, the AAP recommends only about and hour a day for chidren 5 and up and less for younger. WOW! I know my kids watch more than that, but I sure try to limit alot more. Studies are showing that children who watch less TV are overall more creative, more attentive, less violent etc. Families who have the TV on all day just for the noise typically are less productive. There is a big program called turn off the TV for a week, I am sure they have a website. We do this at least once a year, I am amazed by the difference in my kids. I honestly wish I could just go TV free, but it is way to convienent. Anyway, the short answer is I would try to find some other ways to make her comfortable in her room, the TV works and it is easy, but easy isn't always the best!

By Tunnia on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 11:50 am:

I wouldn't do it. My dk's are almost 7 and 3 (their birthdays are within the next few days) and I would not even consider putting a tv in their rooms. I just don't think that young children need to have tv that accessable. I know a couple who gave their children a tv/vcr combo starting when their oldest was 3 and those little girls are up all night because they have to have a movie playing at all times. When a movie stops they wake up, get up and put another one in. IMO, that can't be good for them. I may change my mind as my dks reach the teen years, but maybe not because I think it would promote time spent alone and not with the family. My children enjoy laying in bed with us and watching tv too, but for our children it is a treat, not the norm. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but it sounds like your little girl is training you very well to cater to her wants (not necessarily needs). If you want her to sleep in her room by herself, then make her. You are the parent and you should be the one in charge and you shouldn't feel the need to bribe or beg. Gee, can you tell that I am old school in my parenting style?:) Instead of a movie to calm her and comfort her, read her a book or tell her a story at bedtime and then kiss her goodnight. If she won't stay in her room you could put up a gate in her doorway or simply shut the door. It won't hurt her in the slightest.

By Melanie on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 11:58 am:

My kids do not and probably will not have a tv in their rooms. When they are in their rooms they read, color, play games, build, etc. I'd rather not put a tv in there and wreck a good thing. LOL. And at bedtime they go to sleep. They have never depended on something external to help settle themselves down.

That said, do I think you would be a bad parent for putting one in her room? Of course not! It's just different from what we've chosen. If you and dh want to try it, why not? :)

By Mechelle on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 12:10 pm:

Eve, Jackie is right, everyone is going to have different opinions on this! lol

But anyway, I don't see anything at all wrong with puttin a tv in a childs room. IF the channels, and etc, are monitored (sp?)

My Son started out with a tv when he was 4 almsot 5. I limit his play station playing to 1 hour per day (on school days, and 3 hours per day on weekends) If not, he'd be up there doing nothing but playstation lol!!

But anyway, I absoutley WILL NOT let my two watch tv til they go to sleep! Just like Tunnia said, it's not a good thing (IMO) to get started; tv til they got to sleep.

My kids have tv off, at 7:30 PM ( I don't care if thier fav. movie is on) it's off! That way they get thier teeth brushed and etc. before bed.

They do have a vcr in upstairs, don't watch too many movies.

I do make them go without tv for one night each week, they actually PLAY WITH THIER TOYS LOL!

I do try to limit on how much they watch tv on the weekends.
But for Sidney, if a tv for her is comfy, I don't see a reason why it would cause a problem. Just beware if you let her fall asleep with the tv

By Sunny on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 12:38 pm:

Whatever "extras" my kids have in their bedrooms are privleges, not necessities. I consider TVs, Video games, etc privleges that come with conditions. It doesn't work with my kids when they are young, but the older boys know this. My oldest has a TV, but he also gets up for school without problem and sees to his responsibilities.

I will not, however, allow a computer or telephone in my kids' room no matter what their age (I know you didn't ask about that). I want to be able to monitor those activities and that's not possible if they are in their room.

By Vicki on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 12:50 pm:

Dd has had a tv in her playroom since she was little. If we didn't have a playroom, I would have probably put one in her bedroom, but I would not use it to fall asleep to. That is just one more habit. Your trying right now to replace a habit. Even if it works for the short term, you have to think long term. When she starts school, are you going to let her fall asleep to the tv? No matter what time it is?? What is she scared of? If it is monsters, put a flashlight in a basket by her bed along with a bell that she can ring or something. My honest opinion, if you want her to start sleeping alone in her bed, you need to find out the issues and deal with them. Not create new habits like you sleeping with her in her bed or putting a tv in her room. I see nothing wrong with a tv in her room so that mom and dad don't have to watch Nick all the time!! But wouldn't do it to try to fix other issues!

By Kay on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 12:59 pm:

My dh and I decided when our first child was born (19 years ago) that we would not put a TV in our children's bedrooms while they were young. We have stuck with that with all 3 children. We have 2 family TV's, my mom has hers, and we finally allowed our 17 yr old dd to have one of the extra TV's in her room.

It's worked out just fine for us - but then, every one of us are different, and have different families. Viva la difference! :)

By Colette on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 01:08 pm:

No tv's in bedrooms here either. We are considering buying a tv/dvd player for the times that dh and I want to watch a movie and the kids want to watch a different movie, but it wouldnt be a permanent fixture in anyones room. My older 2 go to bed at 8p and read til 9p to relax and my youngest has a story read to her to relax her and then she goes to sleep. This works for us, but you need to do what works for your family. Good luck!

By Truestori on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 01:15 pm:


There are alot of interesting responses above....
I just want to say that Lotte had a tv in her room since she was 5-years-old and she still has one to this day and she hardly ever watches it! we have never made a big deal about it and I think that helps. I guess what I am trying to say is pick your battles wisely because a moms sanity is important...LOL You are doing a great job with Syd...keep up the good work! :)

By Pamt on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 01:26 pm:

We have only 1 TV in the house because our thinking is that bedrooms are for sleeping (and playing...even for the adults LOL) only. I personally don't want my children watching TV unsupervised (ages 6 and 9) and I agree with the others that kids see too much TV anyway. We actually go TV-free for the month of August every year and no one watches TV during that time...even babysitters and guests. I pretty much agree with Melanie's post completely. Also with Sydney's sleeping issues you still aren't getting to the root of the problem by putting a TV in her room. She will ultimately still need to learn ways to soothe and calm herself to get to sleep without depending on external people or things. I firmly believe that good sleepers are made not born--LOL. At any rate I also echo Melanie's sentiment that you are not a bad parent if you do put a TV in your child's room. My sons' friends have wonderful parents and most of those kids have TVs in their rooms. It always comes down to what will be best for your family, your child's personality, etc.

By Babysitbarb on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 01:53 pm:

We have a TV and VCR in both of the girls rooms and we have a TV in our room. My oldest has had her's since age 5 and I think the younger one got her's around that age. The VCR's are old one's but, they can watch movies on them.My youngest also has play station hooked to her's that she bought with her own money. The TV's in their rooms are the first things they get grounded from if they are in trouble.It works for us. Sometimes I get onto them about if they are watching the same thing we are then they should just watch it in the same room but, I also know what it's like to want to be by yourself once and a while.

By Annie2 on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 02:37 pm:

Buy a small tv/vcr combo for your kitchen. They are under $100. But do not give it to Sydney as a present, that way it is not hers. Put it in the kitchen. One night when she does not want to stay in bed offer her YOUR kitchen tv to help her sleep. See if it lulls her to sleep. Believe me, the tv has given me the 1/2 hour before bedtime help, many of times.
By not being a gift to her, if it doesn't work, without a problem, then taking it out of her room will not be a punishment. Afterall, a gift is a gift, that can not be taken back. but if you let her USE your tv, then it can be taken out of the room if she doesn't sleep.

By Carriee on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 02:53 pm:

Annie's suggestion is great. My daughter got her TV at 5 yrs. when we moved from my parents home into our own (first home) was a single parent then...but she was used to my TV in my room at mom & dads so I gave her that one when my husband & I bought a larger TV for our new home. She is very responsible about watching Tv, it does help her get ready for bed. She will watch TV or read from 8-830p then its lights out and she knows she needs the sleep. I think it may help your little one to have that comfort, background noise ect. Just remember to turn it off as soon as she's ready for bed. So she doesn't think it needs to stay on thru the night, she could become dependant on the all night tube. My 18 month old falls asleep nearly everynight after watching Lilo & Stitch for 15 minutes.
I'd never judge someone elses decision because all of our kids are very different!
Good Luck! And definitly consider Annies kitchen tv idea!!! That's awesome.

By Dana on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 04:22 pm:

Well, between DH and I and two households we had, we have enough TVs for each room in our house, including the bathroom (but we don't have one there). Not to mention the fact that DH can repair this stuff when the owners prefer to just get a new one. So we have several to choose from.

DD has had a TV in her room since birth. Mainly just because we had one available. We didn't start using it until the last couple years, and the use of the TV is for her videos. The TV is not hooked up to cable or even outside attena.

She is not allowed to watch it after bed time.

I love her having her own TV to watch, that means I can still watch grownup stuff while she enjoys her videos.

I think it is all up to the parent/family to decide if and when a TV is in a child's room. There is a lot of good from it, and a lot of abuse can come from it as well.

By Eve on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 05:00 pm:

Thanks for all the input. It's nice to know what works for all of you. I guess I need to think on it more. If we did put a tv, I would just want it for her videos, no cable.

Vicki, I wish I knew what she was scared of. It's just a new phrase. She is only 25 months and can't articulate what is scaring her. We turn the tv off and read and she takes her bath, the night ritual. I wasn't looking for a new thing to help her fall asleep. She has never really slept in her room at night. It's just a new thing for her and she is not yet comfortable there. We upholstered her a headboard and put a new touch light above it for reading. She has a night light-you name it. We are just trying to make it a happy place for her. I thought being able to watch a favorite video in HER bed might put her more at ease. I guess Mom or Dad will just have to keep taking turns sleeping with her! It worked once before, hopefully it will work again!

Annie, That is a good idea. We were actually considering buying a portable DVD player for the car. (good for long trips.)That could be used the same way. Not hers, but when she is sick, or wanted to watch a video in the bedroom, it would serve that purpose.

Thanks again for the thoughts and suggestions. I'll keep you posted.

By Cybermommyx4 on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 05:10 pm:

When my two youngest were babies, we had one of those "attach to the crib rail" cassette players, and it we put in "A child's gift of lullabys"...we could hear it through the baby monitor, so even WE got used to sleeping with it on, lol! Maybe you could try a cassette or CD player with some soothing music in her room? That way, she wouldn't be encouraged to "pay attention to what's going on on the tv screen" but could just drift off on her own.

By Susan10 on Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 10:20 pm:

No TV. Read books.

By Melissa on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 07:18 am:

Here it will be never. I don't see the value of it, I think it is setting a bad precedent if you put it in there now you will never get it out. When she is older you need to know what she is watching, now you control it, then you won't be able to as easily. Plus it gives kids a reason to hole up in their rooms when they are older something most of them don't need another reason to do. I think you are trading one problem for another if you do this.

By Mommyathome on Thursday, April 3, 2003 - 10:55 pm:

No TV's in our DK's rooms. And, it will stay that way at our house. I agree with Melissa saying that I don't see the value of it. My DK's have plenty of books and games and toys that they are free to play with at any time. We have a TV in our bedroom, and if the kids are sick etc., they get to lay in our bed and watch TV. We also have a TV in the family room which is just one big room with the dining area and kitchen. That TV is always on kid friendly channels when it's on.

When my kids spend time in their room they love to sit in their reading corner and look at books. I know that if there were a TV in there that they would prefer to watch it over reading their books. It's just a lazy toy in my opinion.

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