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Dr. Mom's...what do you think?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Dr. Mom's...what do you think?
By Melanie on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 01:49 pm:

Ds broke out in a rash a couple of days ago. I brought him to the doctor and she said it looked like Poison Oak, but was not positive because of a virus that has been going around in the area which they keep misdiagnosing because it has so many different looks to it. She put him on a steroid (his eye was affected and so she thought that was the best way to go) and said I should see improvement within 48 hours. It's now been 48 hours and it is the same. I have a call in to the doctor so he will probably be seen again either today or tomorrow. In the mean time, what do you make of it?

By Truestori on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 02:28 pm:


His poor little stomach... Is it possible that he did get the poison oak? It looks very similar.

I broke out like this when I was younger because I slept on new sheets and a comforter that hadn't been washed.

Best of Luck...I hope he feels better soon. :)

By Melanie on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 02:36 pm:

Stori, given where we live poison oak is a definite possibility. I don't know when he would have picked it up, though. On Saturday he had a t-ball game and then we went to the beach, so he wasn't out in the woods that day. And on Sunday it rained in the morning and we had a birthday party for Peyton in the afternoon, so he didn't play outside that day. It was Sunday afternoon that we noticed his eye was all red. And the next day he was covered with this rash. And with it not improving at all with the steroids, I am just not convined it is poison oak. Hmmmm....

No new clothes or sheets. No new foods. No new laundry detergents or soap. I just want this thing to clear up! He looks sooooo uncomfortable!!

By Karen55 on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 03:19 pm:

Having seen poison ivy and poison sumac up close, I would vote for poison oak too. Poor little guy! If your Ped can't give a definitive diagnosis, I would consult a dermatologist.

By Melanie on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 03:34 pm:

Two votes for poison oak is reassurring. Hopefully this medicine will make a difference soon! Still haven't heard from the doctor. :(

By Mechelle on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 04:23 pm:

Looks like Poison oak to me...........poor guy!!:(

By Trina on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 04:26 pm:

Poor kiddo! Whatever it is, I hope it clears up quickly. Looks very itchy!

Bethany broke out with a similar rash twice last year, both times after hiking in the woods. Our ped. also suspected poison oak but we never did find out for sure.

By Babysitbarb on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 07:11 pm:

My daughter had a rash a few years ago and it looked like this. Her's was like a deep red and it had a wealty texture look to it. They put her on a steroid and it took like 3 days to start going away. It would lighten up at times and when she got warm it got even redder. Her eyes and lips swelled also. The doctor thought it was a reaction to eating Strawberries. She had them the night before and the day she broke out but, she also had been setting under a bunch of pine trees on a swing.

By Susan10 on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 08:33 pm:

It does look like poison oak, but does it itch really really badly? If not, it probably isn't poison oak. I've had it a couple of times and a tiny spot can make you nuts. If he has that big a rash, and it was poison oak, I think he'd be going crazy. My son gets weird skin rashes from something at school, and I put hydrocortisone cream on (over the counter from drugstore) and it usually goes away overnight. I don't think it can be used on small kids, though.

By Melanie on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 10:03 pm:

Susan, it is very itching. The poor thing never stops scratching!! I have been putting on hydrocortisone cream, and it does help a bit.

Barb, the rash is consistent. It does not fade at any time and there are no other symptoms. It started with the area around his eye and has spread south from there. Tomorrow will be three days on the steroid. I hope I see some improvements by then.

He's had poison oak before, but never like this.

By Melanie on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 12:06 pm:

The rash looks a bit lighter today. The doctor said if it's not better to bring him in for a shot. :(

By Familyman on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 01:03 pm:

As a frequent sufferer of various poisionous plants a child I have to agree with how much that sucks. From the pattern on him my bet is that he got it on his hands, or his ball glove or something and then scratched himself. The poison part of it is actually an oil that's pretty easy to wipe all over youself. Does he do what all kids do in T-ball and shove his glove under his shirt to scratch during the game? My bet is that's where he got it. I'd wash the glove in some dishsoap just to be sure. The really annoying thing is that he may have picked it up on the glove a while ago and it's just now that he wiped it on himself.
One time I got poison ivy all over my face because our dog rolled in it and I rubbed my face on her when she got back in (you know, 10 years old, dog runs in, you half tackle and pet and rub your face on the dog) that was bad. Hope he feels better soon. It always took 4 or 5 days for it to really start to go away with me and usually took between a week and 10 days to be completely gone.
Oh, and is he right handed or left handed? He has it on his left shoulder so it would be more likely that he got it there by scratching with his right hand. Left handed players wear there glove on their right hand. Just wondering if I'm a super sleuth or not. :)

By Melanie on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 01:12 pm:

Seth, I don't know if you are a super sleuth, but you certainly gave a strong possibility!!! He is, however, right handed. :) I will go get his glove right now and wash it! Thanks for suggesting that possibility!! (Oh, and the doc did ask if we have a dog for the very reason you gave. We don't have any pets, though.)

By Babysitbarb on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 01:48 pm:

When my husband comes in contact with poison ivy or any kind of poison plants he has to get a shot because the pills won't take care of it very fast. He gets it so easy. It can be burning and he can pick it up.Have you tried Calmine lotion?

By Trina on Friday, March 28, 2003 - 04:46 pm:

Melanie, have you tried Benadryl or oatmeal baths?

By Melanie on Monday, March 31, 2003 - 02:09 pm:

Trina, yes, I've given him several oatmeal baths and the Benadryl has been very helpful. He seems much better today. Thank goodness because today I was going to bring him in for that shot! And I am closer to figuring out what caused it. I got a message from my MIL yesterday and she said she had to deal with poison oak all last week! She was at our house for Peyton's party last Sunday, the day we noticed his eye was red. I am going to talk to her and see if she knows where she got it. My guess is it was on her clothes when she came over.

And Barb, I have been putting Calamine lotion on him religiously! Again, it seems to help, but it just wasn't going away!! Ugh! Keep your fingers crossed that this is it finally! :)

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