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The Sugar Issue!

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: The Sugar Issue!
By Valentina on Monday, February 17, 2003 - 05:52 pm:

Many baby food products contained unnecessary sugar, sweeteners and additives.

There is some evidence that a high intake can be additive and that limiting sugar intake from infancy helps to avoid the development of a sweet tooth.

The Food Commission exposes the excessive use of additives, such as the over-use of artificial sweeteners in children's drinks.

DO you read the label before buying baby foods and drinks?

Would you buy a product if it contains sugar?

If YES why?

If NO why not?

Looking forward to seeing your comments!



By Feona on Monday, February 17, 2003 - 06:31 pm:

Is this a school project?

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 - 01:01 am:

LOL Feona, getting repetitous? You keep asking that, it's cute the way that's all you say. :)

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 - 01:08 am:

Valentina, to answer your question, I said before I make my own. I do give the kids crackers and goldfish, probably more than I should. My kids love banana chunks, and I buy canned fruit to give them other fruits, since most are out of season right now. I buy fruits and veggies that are canned with no added sugar or salt, and try to get as much stuff fresh as I can. For my diet on the other hand, it could use a makeover, less sugar in it would be good, but I love sugar and caffine. Also, I give my kids juice, apple and white grape, but I water it down half and half, and they only get 2 sippy cups full a day. And My son drinks about a quarter of that. My daughter loves juice, and drinks most of hers. I think she's got the sweet tooth already!

By Trina on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 - 07:19 am:

My kids are 4 & 6 now, but I have always avoided foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners. I've read the chemicals aren't healthy, especially for kids. We also keep a close eye on sugar intake. NO soda and not even much juice. Candy is a rare treat, but my kids really don't have a sweet tooth.

By Anonymous on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 12:36 am:

I grew up having all the treats I wanted. We had a "candy drawer" in our kitchen which was always open and accesible. I'm almost 40 now and in tip top shape inside and out. Surprisingly I don't have a sweet tooth too badly. Once in a while something will look good to me, but that is rare.

I really feel that since candy/sweets was so readily available while I was young that I learned that it's not a big treat. It's just like having saltines in the pantry. Not something I'm always induldging in! On the other hand, most of my friends kids are always crying for candy in the stores and thinking its a super big treat to get candy at home. Which, I think, can be detremental in the long run. As soon as the kids are older, they will sneak candy, and when they are even older they will go way overboard with it. (afterall as soon as you get a driver license you own the world right? lol)
I think I would be more afraid of witholding alot of sweets from my kids while they are young than to teaching them moderation etc. That way when they hit 20, they don't go and binge on sweets just because they can.

By Barbara on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 09:47 am:

when children are born they have very little developed taste, my 4 month old son picked up a lemon peel and chewed on it....he loved it...why because it was cold and the texture felt right! His sour taste buds did not develop for a few months to this day he still loves the lemons! All of my children prefer fruit over candy....give them money to spend and they head to the produce dept. My mom sends fruit baskets on the holidays :) Now I keep candy around the house...threw a bunch away because it got too old, fruit on the other hand flies out the door...I can barely get grapes home and washed bfore they are gone! the biggest sugar splurge around here is ICE CREAM and I buy all natural or make homemade!

we drink juice but we drink far more water, I just think it is a matter of training the taste buds...

I never used purchased baby foods

too expensive a jar of Toddler green beans cost $.79 and a full size can of no salt added green beans was4 times larger and cost $.25 I would buy a can, mash them up and tada cheap home made baby food! I have never told my children no when it comes to candy, sugar or sweets--OK I do limit soda, but I have found that they seldom ask for junk foods they prefer the healthy stuff....of course you are talking about kids that would eat broccoli at every meal!

By Eve on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 03:56 pm:

When there is a choice, I always try to give Syd the healthy version. We eat more whole wheat and try not to eat much white rice and white bread and pasta. I try to eat fresh vegtables and healthy snacks. But, Syd does have a juice box now and again. Easy to take with us too! I also always let her have what I am eating. If that's Hershey's kisses, then yeap, she has some. She's tried chips and even tasted soda. (She loves sparking water just as much!) It just doesn't bother me. Would I serve soda to kids at a birthday party? No. I think everything in moderation is fine. I just think people need to be more concerned with processed foods and pesticides on produce, and bleached flour than a few M&M's. Does that make sense?

By Mommyathome on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 05:35 pm:

We also don't freak out over the candy thing at our house. It is always available on our candy tray. More often than not, I end up throwing candy away because it gets too old before anyone eats it! My kids would also prefer fruit over candy. They go ape over bananas!! I feel like it's because we don't make a big deal about the candy, so the kids don't think its a big deal. If they want a piece, they know where to find it. But surprisingly they usually choose a healthier snack over the candy!

I am more concerned in making sure they are getting enough fruits and veggies rather than focusing on a piece of candy now and then.

By Riola on Friday, February 28, 2003 - 05:14 am:

Hi Valentina,

This is interesting. I never thought that much about sugar on baby food.
I don't always read the labels when i buy my baby food.

Would i buy a product if it contained sugar?
Yes, i don't think sugar is dangerous, my daughter love sweet deserts.

By Jann on Friday, February 28, 2003 - 08:43 am:

You would be surprised how much sugar is in our foods and not just desserts.

By Lisa on Sunday, March 9, 2003 - 07:57 pm:

I am not a regular buyer of ready made food, I prefer to make it my self, but when I occasionally buy ready made baby food I always check the label before buying it.

I would never buy a product for my child if it had sugar in it, b/c it’s just not healthy at all.

By Valentina1 on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 04:54 am:

Hi everyone!

Thank you very much for all your comments!!!!


I just wanted to as you if the apple and white grape juice that you give your kids, are they made by baby food manufacturers such as Heinz or are they from non baby food manufacturers?


I don’t think that withholding sugary food & drinks and even sweets will make your kinds eat more of them in later life! When i was a my mum didn’t want to feed me with any sweet food, and now I don’t really use sugar myself, I don’t even like cakes that much!


I definitely agree with you when you said ‘I just think it is a matter of training the taste buds...’ Once you are used to eating healthy in a very early life you will continue on doing so…


I think it’s ok Eve if a child has a juice sometimes, and yes, people need to be more concerned with processed foods and pesticides on them, but the problem is that we won’t always know if the baby food we bought is free from pesticides when some labels can be misleading.

Mommy at home

A taste for sweets can sometimes be inborn in some children and that’s why probably your kids don't make a big deal about the candy.


I didn’t say that sugar is dangerous, it’s not dangerous, but its good to limit the sugar intake, it helps to avoid the development of a sweet tooth.
Infants are totally dependent on what their parents choose to offer. If you avoid giving babies sweets and sugary foods, they will not miss or crave them.


‘You would be surprised how much sugar is in our foods and not just desserts.’
Yes you are correct, even most juices contain either natural sugars or added sugars. Both kinds of sugars are harmful to teeth and so should be limited to mealtimes only.
Even some branded 'baby drinks' based on fruit or vegetable flavours may be high in sugar!

Would you buy a product if it contains sugar?


I think is good that you check the label and choose sugar-free varieties!

By Palmbchprincess on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 07:30 pm:

Valentina~ I am on WIC (women, infants, and children) and get vouchers for formula, baby cereal, and juice. The juice they give you is the frozen concentrate, or canned, and 100% juice. I think buying the Gerber juice or whatever is silly, it's no different than regular juice. HTH

By Rita on Saturday, March 15, 2003 - 12:56 pm:


The juice is not different in taste but it is in price, baby food drinks are more expensive than regular juice.

By Rita on Saturday, March 15, 2003 - 01:04 pm:


I do check the labels sometimes, and if a product contained sugar in it there is no way i would buy it. I also try to avoid baby food and drinks that contain artificial sugars. When i occasionally make my own baby food puddings i try to sweeten it with honey instead of sugar.

By Palmbchprincess on Saturday, March 15, 2003 - 06:08 pm:

Welcome to the board, I don't think I've "met" you yet. You said exactly what I was trying to say about the juice. I feel it is not only the same in taste, but more importantly nutritional value. Baby food companies take regular old juice and jack up the price, trying to convince parents it is better than regular juice. I feel the same way about almost all baby food, esp the "graduates" kind. I make all my own, only buy stuff I cannot make well, like meat or out of season fruits and veggies. And now I just give my kids (9 months) shredded meat instead of commercial food because they never liked it anyway. I think commercial foods are only helpful for times when I am away from home. Again, welcome to our board! :)

By Rita on Monday, March 24, 2003 - 03:11 pm:

Palmbchprincess, I once bought the pure apple juice from I think it was Heinz and I paid double the price of the regular apple juice. When I tasted it there was no difference at all, they were both 100% pure, and the sugar content was exactly the same, I think baby food manufacturers are such a rip off. Thank you. :)

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