"Just joking"
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003:
"Just joking"
My 5 yr old son's favorite expression these days is "just joking". I'm not sure when I ask him a question whether he's telling me the truth or playing around. He especially likes to tell me the baby has woken up so I have to stop what I'm doing to check. I know they all go through this phase, but I need an effective comeback when he starts joking around. He thinks he's a riot. P.S. This is the same boy who used to pretend to throw the dog's play toy and laugh when the dog got excited. He was only 8 months old at the time!
Sunny, DD is a "just teasing!" kind of girl LOL. I try to explain about the "boy who cried wolf" story. Sometimes she is okay and sometimes not. It is just realy tough for them to know the difference between a funny tease and a not so funny. You might want to join in my chat I am hosting on Jan 16 at 9PM EST. Dr. Sally Goldberg is the guest speaker and can give you some insight to this. I'll be posting a reminder and link on Thursday.
I'll try and join the chat on Thursday. Thanks Dana.