20 tips to keep children safe from medical error
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003:
20 tips to keep children safe from medical error
http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/20tipkid.htm This is the government's Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality site. The same tips are at the American Academy of Pediatrics' web site in PDF format: www/aap.org/visit/qualityimp.htm All of the tips make sense, both from my experience as a parent and patient, and as a legal secretary in firms that do medical malpractice cases.
Good tips. Seems basic but if my child was very ill or about to have surgery I would be too worried to think of these on my own. Thanks!!!!
Those are great. I've taken those things for granted, but after talking to a lot of people on the phone at my medical association office, I find that not everyone is what I used to consider as 'paranoid' about their child's medical care as I have been. Now that I work for the medical industry, I just understand better *why* I did it, and it wasn't paranoid at all, simply 'watchful'.