Gardening Question
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I guess this is the best place to put it I was given about 6 starter plants today and some seeds that all call for partial sun/shady areas...I have this one area of my yard that I was planning on putting a flower/rock bed in..(I'm an avid rock collector, instead of buying souvenirs I collect rocks I like from everywhere I go) and it's pretty shady but there is a few hours tops that it gets a fair amount of direct any of you gardening experts know if the partial shade/shady plants would be ok there? my house faces north and my yard is on the north side (if that helps) also I was thinking of putting some sort of herbs in there any suggestions for some that would do not too bad in shady areas? TIA for any advice
I read on a gardening site that plants that call for partial shade need approximately three to six hours of sun per day. It sounds as if the area you have in mind would probably be fine. I really don't know that much about the requirements for various herbs as I've never grown any. Maybe someone else can help you.
Can you put your herbs in containers and keep them in the sun? How much sun does this area get? I get mostly full sun in my yard, but I have one area that is partial shade and I have a great garden w/hostas, butterfly bush, bee balm, sweet william, day lilies, Catmint, and a few others. It gets about 3-4 hours of sun a day in it.
Catherin, what purpose do you have in mind for the herbs? Are you wanting them for the way the plants look or are you really interested in using them in food? Some herb plants are quite attractive while others are rather plain. Also what is the weather like from now until fall in British Colombia? I live in North Carolina, and our summers often approach 100 degrees. Peppermint does very well here, but my friends tell me it can be very invasive--in other words spread and take over an area. I have heard that cilantro and parsley do fairly well in partial shade.
I would have to admit that I would probably use them at times for cooking (I love to cook) but I would also like them for looks too Its usually fairly warm about 28-30 degrees celcius in the summer although it hasn't gotten that warm here yet and usually quite dry. Where I live we don't get snow and our growing season is usually fairly long
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