Moms View Message Board: Parenting Children with Special Needs: Daycare
hi just wanted to know how you handled daycare for the first time or any tips or info. my son is 2 w/autism.
Gina, some people are on spring break this week and since it is a Friday, you may not get alot of responses right away. But you will. Keep checking back. Welcome to Momsview. There are many women here you have many useful suggestions/opinions based on past experiences and also their field of employment.
It's tough to find good daycare for kids with special needs. When my son was younger, I looked for a grandmother type (we found one and she was WONDERFUL for him. She was an Italian immigrant who took him into her home). Now (my son is just about nine), I look for programs who have a disability clause that they actually follow and who are flexible in their thinking. For example, I was just looking to possibly change my son's after care situation (what was I thinking???) and I called the director of the program that supposedly dealt with special needs. He told me that if my son had a full time aide in school (he does) that I would have to hire an aide to be with him at the program (and pay there fee). HELLO?! I might as well get a nanny. We have had an aur pair too. Lots of years of experience. Another "tip" I have is I am extremely open and honest from the get-go. I give as much information and more to help them see that I am very comfortable talking about it. If there are issues, it really helps because it starts the communication. (there are always issues with my son!) ANyhow, it's complicated. You really have to look at all of your options, sometimes think outside of the box, and really figure out what is best for your son given his age and needs. Hope that helps.
I thought of something else after I posted to the other recent post. You could try checking with Birth to Three. I know in my state they have an info line that provides information about daycare providers (of all types) who work with special needs, what kind and that type of specific info.