ARD meeting today
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Children with Special Needs: ARD meeting today
The meeting went well. I don't think the administrator was overly pleased, but I think everyone else was content. I only made them change a couple of things. The biggest one is they wanted to mandate a certain amount for content mastery and that just doesn't work well for me. I had to say, so tell me the advantages of having 30 minutes a week written instead of as needed. I gave them my list of negatives. We wrote it out for this year and agreed on 15 minutes a week for next year (for funding reasons). We made several little changes, in wording mostly. So the guts are, he is qualified as "learning disabled in reading". He will be in a resource room 1 and half hours a day. He will receive speech 30 min twice a week (officially 150 minutes a month). They will have OT testing completed in a month. The dyslexia test is complete but not graded, but he probably won't qualify for the program. Although everyone in the room thinks he should be labeled, the program isn't a fit for him (it is high on phonics and that isn't his issue). It means he will be in special ed for 9 hours a week. YIKES! Overall it was a good meeting.
I'm glad the meeting was at least, overall good. I know how that goes. We don't always get everything we want, but it's nice to get some things and the important things. Sounds good.