First week
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Children with Special Needs: First week
The first six weeks of school are SOOO hard. My son has been very anxious (started school on Wed). By Thurs night he was crying. His teacher is great and is really "getting it." They did "the Tourette's talk" in his class yesterday and he was annoyed because one kid kept saying he had TOurette's and some of the others talked about having broken arms, diabetes, Lyme disease (I explained that they were just trying to relate to him). Anyhow, he was crying last night (He does have GAD). I talked to the teacher about adding more proactive, purposeful breaks for him. (for his ADHD). I think he was just trying to hold it together for too long. There is also construction going on in the building which I think is making his sensory issues go on overload! He's been taking lots of breaks today (which he thinks are errands). (I work at his school- that's why I know this). He seems happy today so hopefully it's working! We should be having a 504 mtg soon.
Oh, Laura. I'm so sorry his first week hasn't gone so well, but it sounds like you're on top things to make it easier for him. His teacher sounds great, too. Hugs to both of you and I hope next week is better. You said he has a 504 meeting? Does he not have an IEP? Just curious. Robin had a 504 plan in 3rd grade and finally ended up with an IEP in 5th. We have his yearly staffing meeting (for his IEP) in a few weeks. He's doing great for now so it should be and easy meeting.
I'm sorry things haven't been going well, Laura. I hope the 504 meeting goes well. Keep us updated, please.
Hoping things improve this next week. (((Laura and D)))
Thank you for your kind words. He currently has a 504 plan. He most likely will be identified as gifted this year too. He is way above grade level in all academic areas and doesn't have the need for a resource teacher (which is the difference between an IEP and a 504). He has huge amounts of modifications on his 504 though including small group testing, breaks out of the room, OT equiptment in the room, education of peers, psych visits one time a week, separate pack up time, etc... THere's more, but I just can't think of it. He does need to be in gifted though. His academic needs are not being met in the classroom. That will start at the beginning of third grade. This year they test all year (the gifted teacher comes in once a month to do screening and they have an OLSAT in March). He's also doing as well as he is academically because he has so many modifications on his 504. I want to keep him there for now because he goes to school out of district (in the district I teach in as a tuition student). Right now we pay 25% of the per pupil cost. If he had an IEP we would have to pay about $25,000. NOT an option! He would have to go back to our district, where they are not good at giving him the modifications he needs. (Also there is no gifted services there until grade 5).