Online Adult ADD Screening
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Children with Special Needs: Online Adult ADD Screening
Do you have symptoms of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder? I scored a 35 (Mild ADD or ADHD)
24 just missed it.
I scored 16. I guess I'm o.k.
I scored a 3 but my dh scored a 55. He says he thinks he answered it according to how he is used to feeling pre-medication. I'd like to have this done again after a few months.
Yikes...I scored a 75! I just went to my doctor about 2 weeks ago and asked if he could help with it. He put me on straterra. I know that I can concentrate a lot better. My mind is not a fog as bad anymore.
Rcarbee, my dh has been on it for about 6 weeks and I'd like to know how its helping (it obviously is!) Like a typical guy, though, he is not able to really explain it. Can you verbalize the way it helps? I'd love to hear anything I can about it.
Okay...sorry it took so long to get back with you. For me the straterra helps to clear my head and thoughts. It always felt foggy inside and I couldn't think straight. I would get going one direction and get side-tracked by 3 or 4 others. My husband says it is like having all your data in the right column (he works with computers). All I know is I can follow through on a book instead of jumping around. My attention span is longer to complete a task. It has not taken away creativity but maybe a little drive and ambition to do things (just a tad and hardly noticable). I think I just had to get used to it. At first for the first couple of weeks I got a headache but that might have been a sinus infection coming on. The difference for me is like night and day. I just wish I had one with a stimulant in it to make me want to do more. I'll take the clear head over the other any day.
Thanks! My Dh has no motivation and this seems to be helping his come up?! Go figure! I'm glad to see it hasn't stifled your creativity. My DH draws beautifully but hasn't drawn in years. It seems to be tied to his lack of focus. He has noticed a few side effects: lack of appetite which he couldn't afford to lose, upset stomach, headache, etc. but most of these have disappeared. Thanks for helping with this1