AD/HD and the Military
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Children with Special Needs: AD/HD and the Military
ADHD and the Military Honestly, this article has me a bit upset. I was in the military and I know there were people serving with me that were ADHD or had mood disorders. My oldest brother was in the Army and he was ADHD (not what it was called back when we were little--it was called hyperkenetick (sp), but same thing) I suppose if you're dx'd after joining or never dx'd at all they won't kick you out. But if you're dx'd before they won't let you in. Robin would like to be in the military some day. Doesn't look like he'll be able to. It would be possible, but not likely and he certainly wouldn't be able to go to any of the Academies.
That was an interesting article. I had never even thought about it being an issue before... hmmmm